JMC commits to new energy efficiency system

Last week JMC joined 30 other Korean companies, with over 40 different sites, in committing to the Korea Energy Agency’s ‘2020 Voluntary Energy Efficiency Target System’.

Participating companies committed to voluntarily improving energy efficiency and actively participating in national energy use rationalisation and greenhouse gas reduction projects.

The Korea Energy Agency expects that this project will break away from the existing regulatory-oriented policy and establish a culture of autonomous energy savings, an important aim during the economic slowdown induced by COVID-19.

JMC makes the world’s highest quality saccharin as well as a range of sulfur-based fine chemicals and chemicals for electronics such a graphene oxide and BCMB. JMC is committed to manufacturing products safely and sustainably.

2021-03-16T11:03:56+09:00September 30th, 2020|

JMC 67th Anniversary Ceremony

  • Name of the event: JMC’s 67th anniversary ceremony
  • Date: June 30, 2020 at 11 a.m.
  • Venue: Conference Room on the 2nd floor of JMC Ulsan Plant Main Building

The company celebrated its 67th anniversary on July 1, 2020.

Despite the auspicious day, we did not hold an official ceremony this year as part of our health and safety efforts in the aftermath of ‘Corona 19’. However, we did hold a small ceremony to recognise long-term employees as this is an important part of our company’s culture.

The CEO Jung Won-sik and 27 long-term employees (excluding 3 people in Seoul) attended the ceremony. The conference room where the ceremony was held was disinfected the previous day and all participants were thoroughly prepared to avoid possible infection by hand sterilizing and wearing masks.

Looking forwards to the 100th and even 200th anniversaries of the company, all executives and employees pledged to do their best in their roles.

2021-03-12T15:09:03+09:00July 15th, 2020|

JMC launches new website

As part of the continuing modernisation of JMC’s corporate brand we are pleased to launch our updated website. The new site, at, is an English-first site, reflecting our global focus. The branding and colors reflect the changes we have introduced to our packaging and company brochures. We are also more clearly articulating our company slogan ‘Creating Sweetness and Pure Chemistry’ which emphasises our main business, saccharin as well as our growing business in creating new materials and partnerships in other sectors of the chemical industry.

The website highlights JMC’s main business areas and in each section a video enables customers and partners to see inside JMCs facilities. This transparency emphasises our commitment to high quality manufacturing.

In the next phase of our digital upgrade JMC will begin to publish more content through our social media channels so be sure to follow us for further updates.

2021-03-12T15:10:00+09:00June 23rd, 2020|

JMC Heroes

A message to our partners during the COVID-19 pandemic

With COVID-19 still impacting lives and businesses around the world, we made this video to connect with our partners on a personal level as we work to overcome this situation together. If you need us, let our staff be your “Sweet Super Heroes”.

– The JMC Saccharin Team

2021-03-12T13:23:43+09:00May 25th, 2020|

JMC’s response during COVID-19

Message to our partners during the COVID-19 pandemic

Our key message is that throughout this global pandemic, JMC has remained open for business and has continued to manufacture and distribute our products.

We sincerely hope that all our customers will overcome the current difficulties as soon as possible and that all your co-workers and families are healthy. The current global uncertainty is challenging, but we feel confident that we can get through this together. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

COVID-19 Letter, April 2020

2021-03-12T15:11:12+09:00April 29th, 2020|

Update from JMC on COVID-19

This video accompanies an update about JMC’s activities during the COVID-19 outbreak. Our key message is that throughout this global pandemic, JMC has remained open for business and has continued to manufacture and distribute our products. Korea and JMC are at work.

We sincerely hope that all our customers will overcome the current difficulties as soon as possible and that all your co-workers and families are healthy. The current global uncertainty is challenging but we feel confident that that we can get through this together.

COVID-19 Letter, March 2020

2021-03-16T11:33:51+09:00March 19th, 2020|

2020 Opening Ceremony

The start of 2020 was celebrated by JMC and the KISCO Group in Ulsan and Incheon on January 2 and 3.

On Friday the second of January about 460 employees from the KISCO Group gathered at the Seo-gu Cultural Center in Incheon to celebrate the start of a new year.

As part of the ceremony the KISCO Awards were presented to employees and departments that contributed most to the development of the KISCO Group last year. A total of 12 teams, individuals and organizations, were awarded in three categories: KISCO Group Management Award, Technology Award and Contribution Award. In addition, this year, a special award was established to congratulate Merit F & C, an excellent partner that maintained a strategic relationship with KISCO.

Staff then watched a video showing KISCO and DKC employees working at the soon-to-be completed Iksan factory. Chairman Heung-jun Kim’s said, “In the coming year, KISCO will celebrate its 50th anniversary. I don’t think it’s impossible for KISCO, which has a long history and great talent, to enter the 500 largest domestic companies that make up 1 trillion won in sales. Large growth cannot be achieved only by the initiatives of the company. I want each employee to help us become a company that communicates and consults with employees, a company where everyone can demonstrate their skills. ” The ceremony was ended with a performance by a band.

On the following day, at the JMC Ulsan factory, the JMC staff gathered in the auditorium on the 2nd floor of the main building. They were joined by the chairman, president and CEO. Together they watched the video of the KISCO Group together and the chairman gave a presentation to staff.

Happy New Year.

2021-03-12T15:11:51+09:00January 3rd, 2020|

Saccharin Kimchi contest

The 1st “Tiger Hill” Saccharin Kimjang Contest was held in December. Kimjang refers to the process of making kimchi, Korea’s world famous, fermented vegetable dish. The Saccharin Kimjang Contest was held to select ‘Delicious Kimchi made using Saccharin’ among the families of staff from the KISCO Group. From the 9th to the 13th of December, Kimchi was submitted. A total of 133 people from the entire KISCO Group family participated and 163 Kimchi dishes were submitted.

The screening was conducted over two days on December 16th and 17th. The 163 kimchi submitted to the fair for judging were each transferred to a numbered batch container and placed so that the submitter’s affiliation and information were unknown. Three outside judges, including the honourable chairman, attended the examination, and a total of four judges evaluated all 163 kimchi over approximately two hours. In this preliminary round, the top 12 kimchi were selected by summing the individual scores of the four judges.

Subsequently, the finals were held on the 17th, the next day. The honourable chairman, chairman, president, JMC CEO Won-sik Jung and one external judge attended the final. The screening was conducted through a blind test as in the preliminary round. A total of three kimchi were selected as winners. Afterwards, the kimchi was donated to the Saenam Church Happy Center located in Seoknam 2-dong, Seo-gu, Incheon, and was used to provide free meals.

The award ceremony for the Kimjang competition was scheduled to take place on December 18, but was delayed until February 12. Three award winners, the honourable chairman, president, president, and JMC CEO attended the award ceremony. The Gold, Silver and Bronze prize winners were awarded 3,000,000 won, 2,000,000 won and 1,000,000 respectively. Afterwards, a tea function was held with the management and the winners. The award ceremony concluded after celebrating the excellence of Saccharin used to make Kimchi.

The 1st Tiger Hill Saccharin Kimjang Contest received positive reviews that it was an opportunity to remind many employees of the benefits of saccharin. Through this direct experience in real life, we hope to grasp and spread the word about the excellence of JMC’s high-quality saccharin, which is attracting attention in the world, so that it can be used more widely and in various ways.

2021-03-12T14:01:34+09:00December 18th, 2019|

FIE (Food Ingredients Europe) 2019

Food Ingredients Europe 2019 (FIE) 2019 was held from December 3rd (Tuesday)-5th (Thursday) in Paris at the Parc des Expositions de Paris-Nord Villepinte. FIE is one of Europe’s leading food additive related industry exhibitions, and has been held every two years since its inception in 1986. FIE, which boasts a cumulative audience of over 500,000, has become a major exhibition in the F & B industry, has been around for 30 years and is regarded as an important exhibition that must be attended by industry-related people.

JMC, who participated in FIE for the second time since its first participation in 2017, held a meeting with about 61 companies to explore and pioneer new and potential markets for Saccharin and focused on attracting new customers. By establishing a place for direct contact with European customers, we confirmed the possibility of trading through active contact with potential customers. In particular, JMC’s high-quality saccharin was emphasized by discussing concerns about the quality problem (impurity) of Chinese saccharin. We also discussed the recently announced revising of USP regulations for saccharin analysis.

JMC will continue to exhibit and promote JMC’s World’s Highest Quality Saccharin to customers around the world.

2021-03-12T14:22:15+09:00December 6th, 2019|

IDTechEx Show! USA 2019

The IDTechEx USA Show was held at the Santa Clara Convention Center in San Francisco, USA on the 20th to 21st of November. The ‘IDTechEx Show!’ is a large-scale technical conference and exhibition on 3D printing, electric vehicles, Internet of things, sensors and wearables, graphene, and 2D materials. It is an exhibition where each participant company discloses their latest technology, publishes its products and can directly communicate with both suppliers and end users.

Having exhibited in 2019, JMC again organized a booth, participating in the ‘Graphene & 2D Materials’ section. Our focus was to introduce our newly developed competency in graphene oxide manufacturing to industry stakeholders. From the KISCO group, several employees, including Vice President Sang-ho Lee, participated in this event and helped introduce JMC and KISCO.

A presentation by Professor Joo from Cornell University, a collaborator of JMC’s, introduced several new aspects our graphene oxide technology.

Participation in the event demonstrated JMC’s capability as a graphene oxide manufacturer and gave us an insight into global market trends.
2019년 첫 참관에 이어 작년, 올해 지속적으로 부스를 구성한 JMC는 신규 개발한 산화 그래핀 제조 기술에 대한 당사의 역량을 많은 업계 관계자들에게 소개하기 위해 ‘Graphene & 2D Materials’ 섹션에 참가 하였습니다. 경인양행에서도 이상호 부사장님을 비롯하여 여럿 직원들이 함께 참가하여 JMC 및 KISCO 브랜드 소개에 힘을 기울였습니다.

JMC의 연구 역량을 집대성하여 탄생시킨 고품질 산화그래핀의 합성에서부터 대량생산에 이르기 까지의 제조 기술 등을 소개하며 유관 업체 및 잠재고객들에게 JMC 브랜드를 알렸습니다. 산화그래핀 및 환원그래핀산화물 시장에 자사의 기술력과 대량 생산 공정을 어필하며 JMC 브랜드를 각인 시켰으며, 코넬대학교의 주용락 교수의 세션 발표에 JMC를 소개하며 다시 한번 홍보효과를 누릴 수 있었습니다.

이번 참가로 인해 산화그래핀 메이커로서의 JMC에 대한 긍정적인 평가를 확인할 수 있었으며 시장 동향 파악에 좋은 기회가 되었습니다. 앞으로도 지속적인 개발 및 생산을 통해 글로벌 탄소 소재 기업으로도 그 영역을 확장해 가는 JMC의 도전에 박수를 보냅니다.

2021-03-12T15:24:54+09:00November 22nd, 2019|
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